

Here is the complete list of exhibitors who will be present at MCAF 2024.

You will find the detailed plan here.




Adaptation, Fantastic, Humour

Alto   D26

Alto is an independent and innovative publishing house founded in Québec City in 2005. Very active on both local and international levels, Alto publishes unique and bold literary French fiction as well as graphic novels from Québec and abroad. Briefly said: we publish wonders.


Announced Guests:

Youth, Teen

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Humour

Bayard Canada Livres   B14

Bayard has been a trusted name for decades. Renowned for the quality of our magazines and children's books, our publishing house strives to produce enriching content that cultivates curiosity with that touch of humor and imagination that has made our reputation. It's an ideal formula for nurturing the pleasure of reading that lies at the heart of our mission.

Bayard Canada Livres publishes books for young and old alike, always with the same concern for nourishing the imagination and quenching the thirst for learning. Our books for children and teens are tailor-made for each age category, taking into account not only their interests, but also their reading skills. With documentaries on a multitude of fascinating subjects, wonderful albums for toddlers, first novels for budding readers, books for 10+ with mind-blowing graphics, fantasy bricks and hilarious comic strips, Bayard has thought of every member of the family !

bayardlivres.ca/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Essay, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Manga, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

Bibliothèques de Montréal   C24

Each month of May for the past 13 years, Montreal's libraries have been celebrating comics in all their forms and for all audiences! Come meet the librarians behind Mai, mois de la BD and discover all that libraries have to offer!

montreal.ca/bibliotheques   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Teen, Adult

Adaptation, Historic, Sociopolitical

Black Panel Press   D30

Black Panel Press is an independent publisher of graphic literature based in Canada, with distribution in the United States. The company was founded in 2017 with the goal of bringing exceptional international graphic novels to North American readers.

blackpanelpress.com   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  


Fantastic, Sci-Fi

Bloody Gore Comix   A05

Bloody Gore Comix is a publishing house specializing in alternative horror comics. Founded in 2012, it is primarily the vehicle for promoting the works of its founder Steph Dumais, notably his series Zombie Commandos From Hell. But it gradually incorporated original works from other creators and now also offers reissues of titles that were previously published by Fantagraphics, among others. It features titles such as Savage Worlds by the Australian duo SCAR, Vreckless Vrestlers by Polish artist Lukasz Kowalczuk, Raw Draw by Russian artist Oleg Green and Helhol by American artist Jack Mulkern. The two BGC anthologies also bring together several international names as well as creators from Quebec. Among the most recent titles are Slaughtered Kingdom, a tale of monsters and nightmares by Steph Dumais and Mike Wasion, and Elizabeth Bathory, a pornographic vampire adventure, by Raúlo Cáceres.

bloodygorecomix.com   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Teen, Adult

Fantastic, Humour, Sci-Fi

Bulgilhan Press   E37

Bulgilhan Press is an award-winning small press dedicated to publishing self-indulgent comics by spectacular cartoonists.

bulgilhanpress.com   Visit Instagram Page  


Comme des géants   D25

Comme des geants publishes titles by creators from all over the world. We believe publishing translated books is important because of the narrative, aesthetic, conceptual, philosophical, and cultural richness they present. Books written by people who have been brought up in different cultures offer a variety of understandings about family, community, life, and so on. Comme des geants wants to present children with global literature, as well as a bigger framework for thinking about the world and our place within it. Why should adults be the only ones with access to global literature ? We believe a child’s curiosity extends well beyond their backyard and that we have to nurture it.


Teen, Adult

Conundrum Press   A07

"Based in Nova Scotia, Andy Brown's Conundrum Press has quietly become a major force in alt-comics publishing." - The Comics Journal


Teen, Adult

Adventure/Detective, Humour

CRAM books   A03

CRAM books is a risograph publisher ran by Andrew Alexander, based in Brooklyn and making fun, sad and honest art books. Since their beginning in late 2021, they have published half a dozen comics, zines and art objects ranging from a 120-page perfect bound book to a 10-foot accordion codex. All CRAM books are made by hand with the hope that they will decay from loving use. CRAM Comics #1: Relic Crafting for Future Trawlers was nominated for a 2023 Ignatz Award for Best Anthology.


All audience


Dans la tête   A04

Created by author François St-Martin and illustrator Marc Bruneau, Dans la tête is a small publishing house that always has a laugh! It offers a range of humorous comics for all ages.

danslatete.ca   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Adventure/Detective, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Sci-Fi

Débédé - Trésors du 9ème art   A04

European comic books, new and used, collectors.

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All audience

Drawn & Quarterly   A09

Drawn & Quarterly is the Montreal-based, internationally-renowned publisher of the world’s best cartoonists. The company operates La Librairie D+Q in Mile End, the very same neighbourhood where the company was founded in 1989 by Chris Oliveros.

drawnandquarterly.com/   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience


École des Arts et cultures, UQO   A04

Through its multidisciplinary nature, ÉdAC promotes openness to various approaches to cultural creation and intervention. It aims to train creators, designers, comic book authors, graphic designers, museum and gallery professionals, skilled in working in the fields of arts and culture. To do this, ÉdAC brings together specialists, particularly in visual arts, comics, graphic design and museology, who are involved in research and creation approaches open to contemporary issues.
The comics program is aimed at students who demonstrate an interest in comics, wish to be specialists in this field and become well-rounded authors. The comics concentration aims to train well-rounded authors who master the multiple aspects of graphic narration (e.g. scriptwriting, drawing, graphic finishing).
Students will delve into all aspects of creating a comic from the first idea to the completion of a publication. Over the course of their studies, they will develop a reflection on this means of expression as well as a critical spirit on the contemporary production of comics. In addition to courses specific to the concentration, this training provides five enrichment courses in related disciplines, which allows students to acquire complementary skills.

All audience

Adventure/Detective, Historic, Humour, Sci-Fi

Éditions 2024   D31

Éditions 2024 first saw the light of day one rather carefree morning in 2010. Were we to attempt to sum up this ingenuous undertaking with a few intelligible propositions, the following might result: to create a catalogue of comics and art books, to discover and foster a stable of new talent with a consistent editorial identity, and to lovingly produce books that are art objects unto themselves.
What awaits us in 2024? The Earth may well explode: our books, luminous meteors that they are, will be scattered to the four corners of the Milky Way…

editions2024.com   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Youth, Teen


Éditions Dent-de-lion   D26

Dent-de-lion is a nonprofit children’s book publisher based in Tiohtiá:ke (Montreal). Through our anti-oppressive and feminist values, we aim to publish books that defy stereotypes and we are dedicated to fight for more diversity in children’s literature. Dent-de-lion seeks to share good stories; stories that are sometimes moving and always inspiring.

editionsdentdelion.com/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Announced Guests:

All audience


Éditions Des Bulles dans l'Océan   B15

A publishing house based in the south of the Indian Ocean, Des Bulles dans l'Océan presents authors from this region, but free to chose their subjects. Authors from outside this geographical area work in this publishing house too, but only on subjects linked to the Indian Ocean.

dbdo.re   Visit Facebook Page  

Teen, Adult

Essay, Sociopolitical

Éditions Écosociété   B11

Founded in 1992 by a group of activists convinced that it was time to defend a society in which social ecology would be a core value, this independent publishing house is committed to the circulation of ideas. Écosociété is a collective work, powered by a wide range of energies, storms, outbursts of energy and tireless hard-headedness.
With the conviction that the general public is hungry for books with ideas, and not just for entertainment, Écosociété publishes books that are at once demanding, daring and accessible. Écosociété's mandate is to inform the public about major ecological issues and their intrinsic links with economic, social and political issues.
With its Ricochets collection, Écosociété plunges into the world of comics, not hesitating to break away from the traditional form of the essay to reveal its substance in other ways. Let's look out for the rebounds together.

ecosociete.org/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Teen, Adult


Éditions Exemplaire   D31

Exemplaire is an alternative publishing house that puts artists back at the heart of production, offering them greater autonomy and a higher percentage of the revenues generated by their books. Its business model differs from conventional publishing structures in that it is essentially based on participatory financing. Book production is conditioned by a pre-sale system, in which the author mobilizes his network of readers to reach his financial target.
The project began when Lisa Mandel, an author who had been published for twenty years in the traditional publishing circuit, decided, for the time being, to try self-publishing.


All audience

Adventure/Detective, Fantastic, Humour, Sci-Fi

Éditions JPM   D28

Comic book publishers since 2015 with the Castor Beaver series, the 5th volume of which is on the drawing boards. In 2023, we launched a new series, Les Zonzons !


Announced Guests:



Éditions Mains libres   D26

Editions Mains Libres is located in Montreal. This approved general publishing house specializes in comics, graphic novels, novels, essays, poetry, short stories and biographies for lovers of literature and quality books. Its original creations, its desire to mix experienced creators and new voices, as well as its desire for fairness and respect for current issues make it a publishing house focused on the future and which places emphasis on support for authors. Éditions Mains libres are part of the literary landscape by fully committing themselves.

editionsmainslibres.com   Visit Facebook Page  


Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Manga, Sci-Fi

Éditions Michel Quintin   E38

Founded in 1982, Les Éditions Michel Quintin have since then been producing high-quality picture books, documentary books and a variety of fiction and fantasy books for children as well as adult fiction books and field guides. The publishing house now gathers about 1000 titles in its catalogue, to which are added about 50 new releases each year.

editionsmichelquintin.ca/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Teen, Adult

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective

Éditions Rémi Paradis   A08

Rémi Paradis Editions is a publisher of science fiction and speculative comics, originating from Quebec city. Our values are creativity, freedom of expression, and mutual assistance among authors.

editionsremiparadis.com/   Visit Facebook Page  

All audience


éditions Rouquemoute   D28

Rouquemoute is a French publishing house from Nantes. Our books experiment with the field of humour, as well about the genre (dark humour, absurd, suitable for all…) as the form (comic books, drawings collections, illustrated books, children's books…).

rouquemoute-editions.fr/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Announced Guests:

Teen, Adult


Éditions Sawin   E39

Sawin is the pronunciation of Samain, an ancient pagan festival better known today as Halloween.
Founded in 2018, Sawin Editions is, according to its founder Nick Micho, a publishing house that reflects his own character: unassuming, accessible, stimulating the imagination, and pushing the boundaries of comic books and the recognition of its authors to the fullest.
Autumn, with its swirling dead leaves, mysterious moon, and legendary creatures, has always fascinated Nick and inspired the name Sawin.

editionssawin.com/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Youth, Teen

Fantastic, Humour

Fairylogue Press   E35

Fairylogue Press represents the collaborative work of Isabelle Melançon and Megan Lavey-Heaton, authors of webcomics and comic anthologies such as Namesake (Hiveworks), Crow Time (Webtoon) and Valor.

Teen, Adult

Humour, Sci-Fi

Front Froid / Nouvelle adresse   E33

Front Froid is a non profit comics publisher, offering artists in the field a range of workshops and events with the aim of professionalizing the profession and raising awareness of the medium.

All audience

Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Sci-Fi

Glénat Québec   B12

Always on the lookout for interesting titles to read and publish, Glénat Québec makes no concessions regarding the quality of the books selected. Its primary objective is to reflect the realities of French-speaking America and to make its readers dream through a varied catalog of comics and novels.

All audience

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Essay, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Manga, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

Goodwill Renaissance Québec   B15

Renaissance is a Quebec non-profit organization that promotes the social and occupational integration of people facing barriers to labour market entry, while encouraging everyone to take concrete action for the environment. Renaissance serves the community through three missions: social, environmental and economic. Donating to and shopping at Renaissance helps change the lives of thousands of people each year and protects the environment by diverting millions of kilograms of clothing and household items from landfill.

Helping people enter the workforce is central to Renaissance’s mission and activities. Through personalized job-training programs, we intervene before the cycle of poverty begins, giving disadvantaged people the tools they need to develop their skills, find a job and become self-sufficient.

renaissancequebec.ca/fr/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Manga, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

Hachette Canada   B12

Distributor of more than 130 French and French Canadian publishing houses.

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Teen, Adult


HOME comics   A05

Home is a series of comics which is a slice of life sci-fi series with a touch of the supernatural split between brothers Marc and Daniel Michaud.

Announced Guests:

All audience


Isekai Touch   A04

Founded in 2022, Isekai Touch is the first Quebec publisher to specialize in manga.

isekaitouch.com/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Youth, Teen


Junction Comics Group   A05

Celebrating five years publishing stories that matter, Junction Comics Group releases Daryn's Drawings - our first adventure in children’s graphic novels.

Announced Guests:



K6 Éditions   D27

Founded by Emmy Award-winner Laurent Abecassis, K6 Éditions is a publishing house flourishing with original projects. It is based in Montreal, Canada.
In collaboration with our production company K6 Media Group, we bring the characters from our books to the screen.

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Announced Guests:

All audience

Humour, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

KATA éditeur   B14

KATA offers fiction and non-fiction children’s books, comics, graphic novels and YA novels to help youth deal with the social and ecological catastrophes they will face in their lifetime, and to help build up their resiliency and solidarity. Empathy, humour and diversity is what we're all about.


All audience

KrRoLe   D26

The collective is formed by Tamara Krpic, Olivier Robin and Pascal Lemieux, the first two letters of their surnames forming the collective's name (it could have been LeRoKr, KrLeRo, RoLeKr, RoKrLe, or LeKrRo).
The collective's main aim is to create comics in alternative or hybrid formats. To tell our stories, we experiment by printing in unconventional formats, using unusual papers and proposing new roles and functions for paper.


Teen, Adult

Fantastic, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

L'employé du moi   B11

Founded by comic book artists in Brussels at the turn of the 2000s, L’employé du moi is a publishing house that offers a variety of eclectic projects dedicated to indie comics. From intimate chronicles to wild adventure stories and through unbridled science fiction tales, L’employé du moi’s books invariably, but sensitively, address adolescent themes. As if the transition to adulthood, and everything it stands for, would turn into fertile ground for storytelling.

employe-du-moi.org/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Essay, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Manga, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

La Boîte de Diffusion   B11

La Boîte de Diffusion was launched in December 2012.

LBDD works to distribute comics, children's books, adult novels, fine books and essays published by around fifty Quebec and European publishers.

The diversity of production of these publishers is matched only by the years of accumulated experience, the creativity and flexibility of the LBDD team.

LBDD ensures the presence of all these works in the network of bookstores throughout Quebec and French-speaking Canada, thanks to a personalized relationship between its experienced representatives and booksellers.

laboitedediffusion.com/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Youth, Adult

Humour, Sociopolitical

La Brique du dinosaure   D26

Regroupement d'auteurs et d'auteures québécois indépendants de bandes dessinées et de livres illustrés. Nous nous unissons pour diffuser nos livres dans les évènements et les librairies indépendantes.

Announced Guests:

Youth, Teen

Adventure/Detective, Humour

la courte échelle   B12

For over 40 years, LA COURTE ÉCHELLE has offered children and adolescents original works that are as engaging as accessible. Our catalogue, with several hundred titles to its credit, offers young readers the best contemporary literature. These books stimulate the imagination and engage the reader from the first page to the very last.

groupecourteechelle.com/la-courte-echelle/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Sci-Fi

La Pastèque   B16

La Pastèque was founded in July 1998 by Frédéric Gauthier and Martin Brault. The publishing house has released more than 320 titles to date.
While listening to a roundtable on Quebecois comics, we had the idea of setting up a publishing house. That day, we decided to take the gamble that Quebeckers would appreciate a more personal, more intimate comic strip. Through reading, meetings and new discoveries, we managed to establish the values that guide our work. Twenty years later, we believe we have proven our success.




Les 400 coups   B14

Since 1995, Les 400 coups has been dedicated to children’s literature by publishing amazing, funny, thought-provoking—at times even jostling—picture books. Combining open mind and passion, we offer a place to all creators who have something to say, to share, or to experiment.

editions400coups.com   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Humour, Sci-Fi

Les Éditions Izhaba   D28

Come discover the great Adventures of Princess Izha-ba and her friends as they travel through space on an intergalactic treasures hunt with unexpected turn of events, great humour, all this rendered with an accomplished drawing and graphic styles in respect to the great comic book classics.

All audience

Essay, Fantastic, Humour, Sci-Fi

Les Impatients   A02

Les Impatients' comic book workshops contribute to the organization's mission by helping people with mental health problems through artistic expression. At the same time, we promote exchanges with the community by disseminating the creations produced in our workshops.

impatients.ca/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience


Les Malins   D25

Reading is not boring!
Our mission: to create the great readers of tomorrow by proving, season after season, that a good book can be even more addictive than a TV series.
In addition to the children’s books we have made our specialty, we also publish favorites for an older audience, but always young where it counts.

lesmalins.ca   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

Librairie Gallimard   D31

Since its beginnings, the Gallimard bookshop has been the place to be for all kinds of literature. The works of French and Québécois writers, as well as those of world literature, can be found here. It's a lively place, where books are passed on and offered up for judgement and debate.


All audience

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Essay, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Manga, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

Librairie Planète BD   B11

Founded in 2008, the Planète BD bookstore is an approved bookstore, specializing in French-speaking comics. Planète BD is the only bookstore in North America to be a member of the Groupement des Librairies de Bande Dessinée and depository of the Canal BD magazine.
Proud to promote comics, Planète BD hosts launches, signing sessions and other events related to comics with authors from Quebec and abroad.
Come meet comic artists and benefit from the advice of our fantastic booksellers!

planetebd.ca/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  


Livres Fernand   D28

Livres Fernand distributes silkscreened books from Le Dernier Cri, a famous studio in Marseille, France, and Soldes Almanach, a Belgian-French art magazine that blends comics, anthropology, philosophy, environmental issues, etc.
Livres Fernand also promotes graphzines and books from independent artists.

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Teen, Adult

Mécanique générale | Station T   A06

Dedicated to auteur comics, Mécanique générale values the diversity of voices, whether they express their worldview through fiction, narrative, documentary or essay.

stationt.ca/   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Essay, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

Moelle graphik   A06

Founded in 2018, Moelle Graphik aims at the full deployment of bande dessinée art form, exploring new narrative forms and expression fields, and recognizing the work of pioneer artists.
The objective is to confer to bande dessinée its rightful status, that of a unique art form in human artistic expression, and to work on each book according to the author's persona and aspirations.

moellegraphik.ca   Visit Facebook Page  

All audience


O-Taku Manga Lounge   E38

Taku. Home, in Japanese. O-Taku. Like home. To feel like home.
More than a simple bookstore, it’s a place to meet people and share your passion : manga.
O-Taku Manga Lounge was born in 2010. Directly brought from Japan, this concept of Manga Kissa, or Manga Café, is now unique in North America and we are proud to host the largest manga collection in the province of Quebec.

otakulounge.com/mangas/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Teen, Adult

Fantastic, Humour, Sci-Fi

Paradise Systems   D30

Paradise Systems publishes exemplary comics from the United States, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
Inspired by, but unfaithful to comic conventions, we seek to create a community of writers and readers that relish in weird, sincere, experimental storytelling. Since 2017, we've released 17 comics, including Naked Body, the first major anthology of Chinese comics to be published in English, and our work has been featured in the Guardian, Hyperallergic, and The Comics Journal.
Paradise Systems is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York and Toronto, Ontario. It was founded by Orion Martin 2017. All books can be purchased through the website.

paradise-systems.com/   Visit Instagram Page  


Pâtes au beurre édition   E34

Where the love of zines, comics, printed arts and pasta meet.


Fantastic, Humour

Pegamoose Press   D30

Pegamoose Press was founded in 2019 by Troy Little and Brenda Hickey. Together they've worked on books such as My Little Pony, Rick & Morty, Cult of the Lamb, Aggretsuko as well as their own award-nominated books like Angora Napkin, Halls of the Turnip King and Butterfly House. In the fall of 2024 they will be publishing Orchard of the Tame by Nick Cross and Marlo Meekins.
They live in Prince Edward Island.

Announced Guests:

Teen, Adult

Adventure/Detective, Essay, Historic, Humour, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

Pow Pow   A10

Pow Pow Press was created in 2015 by Montréal-based French publisher Éditions Pow Pow. Its goal is to make the work of Québec cartoonists available to an English-speaking audience in both Canada and the United States.

editionspowpow.com/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  


Fantastic, Humour, Manga

Presses Aventure   D25

At Presses Aventure, we love colorful books, engaging characters, jokes... and adventure! Our catalog features albums to help toddlers get started, children's books and comics created by local authors and illustrators, along with international series to encourage curiosity and a taste for reading among young people.

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All audience

Essay, Historic, Humour, Manga

REFC   A08

The Franco-Canadian publishers group REFC (Regroupement des éditeurs franco-canadiens) was established in 1989, bringing together 15 Francophone publishers from New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan who conduct joint promotion, outreach and market development activities in Quebec, Canada, and abroad.

refc.ca   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Adventure/Detective, Essay, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Manga, Sci-Fi

Renaud-Bray   D27

Dive into the world of Renaud-Bray and discover our extensive selection of books, gifts, and games for the whole family.
Whether you're seeking new releases or searching for titles from your favorite authors, come visit us at one of our bookstores throughout Quebec or online at renaud-bray.com.

renaud-bray.com/accueil.aspx   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

Teen, Adult

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Essay, Fantastic, Historic, Humour, Manga, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

Revue PLANCHES   A08

Since fall 2014, PLANCHES magazine has been pursuing the same mission: promoting Quebecois comics and the work of their authors.
To do so, we publish collections featuring short original stories, accompanied by recurring cartoon columns – political, sports, historical, social – and feature articles presenting artists or works that have left their mark on local comics.

revueplanches.com/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Sarah's Scribbles & Little Sprout   A07

Artists Sarah Andersen and Sarah Gysin selling books, prints, and other merchandise.

sarahcandersen.com/   Visit Instagram Page  

Youth, Teen

Adaptation, Adventure/Detective, Fantastic, Humour, Sci-Fi

Scholastic   B12

Scholastic Canada Ltd. serves children, parents and teachers through a variety of businesses including Scholastic Book Clubs and Book Fairs, Scholastic Education, Classroom Magazines, Trade, and Les éditions Scholastic. Scholastic Canada is also highly regarded internationally for its Canadian publishing program, which includes many award-winning authors and illustrators dedicated to producing books that delight children and inspire them to become lifelong readers.

scholastic.ca/editions/   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Essay, Humour

Science pour tous   C23

Presentation of twenty scientific comics, as well as scientific journals with comics.


Announced Guests:

All audience

SP Médias Inc.   A02

Our fledgling publishing house, founded in 2018, is very excited to present its first graphic novel, featuring an underwater robot who shakes up the plans of three marine explorers. This mixture of fiction and reality, available in both French and English, awaits you at our booth.

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Adventure/Detective, Essay, Fantastic, Humour, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi

Uncivilized   D30

Minneapolis-based Uncivilized Books is an independent publisher and think-tank specializing in comic books and rogue theories. A champion of intelligent comics, graphic novels, and criticism for over a decade, Uncivilized has released works by some of the best cartoonists on the planet: Gabrielle Bell, Matt Madden, Peter Wartman, Joann Sfar, David B., Alan Moore, Noah Van Sciver, and many more. We're currently serializing Ginseng Roots, a significant new work from Craig Thompson (Blankets). Uncivilized is run by cartoonist Tom Kaczynski.

uncivilizedbooks.com/   Visit Facebook Page   Visit Instagram Page  

All audience

Université de Sherbrooke   D26

Acoustics is historically a multi-disciplinary science that covers many fields of study, and whose scope and importance are often misunderstood. This science is often associated with music, but in our environment, noise and sound signals are omnipresent. The fields of acoustics that play a role in our daily lives and society are numerous: electroacoustics, biomedical acoustics and underwater acoustics. All of these fields and applications are little-known. The aim of the Fantastique Acoustique comic strip collection is to better communicate these issues to the general public, and to describe the work carried out by those involved in acoustics research in Quebec (three other Quebec universities – McGill, ÉTS, UQAR).
The Fantastique Acoustique comic strip will include works by 10 Quebec cartoonists, prepared with students from 4 Quebec universities.

Announced Guests:

Teen, Adult


Westwolf   E34

John is a former bounty hunter who witnessed the gruesome murder of his wife and daughter by disciples with occult powers. They have placed a curse on him which condemns him to a tormented existence, where his body and his soul slowly rot without freeing him from this suffering. Despite his fragmented memories of that nightmarish night, John is driven by a burning desire to regain his memory and take revenge on those responsible for this massacre.