Socially conscious comics…because they care!


Socially conscious comics…because they care!

“Writing books is fine, but sometimes we also have to change the world!”. This is what we can read on the Pow Pow editor’s website. During last February’ International Development Week, Pow Pow presented a comics series featuring themes that dealt with inequalities and social problems, climate change, health, war, children’s rights, etc. This is what socially committed comics are: a humane work that isn’t afraid to go as far as needed.

So, comic book creators are changing the world one (drawn) page at a time. Did you know that the FBDM will have a presence at the Notre-Dame Hospital on may 29th? From 11:00 to 2:00 p.m., Karine Gottot (Les Dragouilles, Hop!), Mathieu Lampron (Les Mutamatak), Maxim Cyr (Les Dragouilles, Hop!) and Jocelyn Jalette (La République assassinée des patriotes) – amongst others – will be on site to offer comics that are health-themed. Part of the profits will be given to the CHUM Foundation to benefit the Integrated Cancer Centre. Now that is committed!

Those that come and visit us on the Festival site will have the pleasure to take part in a round table on socially committed art and the artists’ thoughts on their work and society. The panel composed of Richard Suicide (Chroniques du Centre-Sud), Alexandre Fontaine-Rousseau (Les Cousines vampires), Simon Spruyt (Junker) and Samuel Cantin (Vil et misérable) will be lead by Jean-Michel Berthiaume. Don’t miss, it, Saturday May 30th at noon!
