François’ Message


François’ Message

Since 2012, we have been working hard to organize the Montreal Comics Arts Festival and give a wonderful time to comics arts lovers.

Six years ago, we had big goals: to create a lasting event that would promote the work of local and international comic book artists. Out goes the cliché: the ninth art is not a subculture! It’s the kind of art that raises questions and claims its place, the kind of art that is a representation of a multitude of histories and stories from all around the world.

Today, comics are part of Montreal’s culture and this energy emerges from independent bookstores, new partnerships with schools, and through initiatives as the Mois de la BD organized by the libraries of Montreal. This is a month dedicated to comic art and it takes place each year in May.

Celebrating our 5 years and welcoming more than 10,000 visitors was a big step for us. We have now achieved one our goals: get the recognition the comic art deserves. And that’s all thanks to our partners, sponsors, volunteers and all of you who participate in this event. You are the ones who make our festival a success every year. And if there are still any doubts, our nomination for the 32nd Grand Prix of the Conseil des arts de Montreal should clear them up. We are really proud and once again, we would like to thank each and everyone who participate in our festival. Your energy, creativity and enthusiasm are important and you make us who we are. You have help us make the Montreal Comics Arts Festival an event recognized all around the world.

In 2017, we don’t want to take anything for granted and we want to keep getting better. That’s why we’ll continue to develop our partnerships and find new ones, but we also want to go back to our roots. The festival is a family event taking place outside and we want to bring an ecological approach to our future editions. We are planning on having more animations for the 3 to 7-year-old. And as we grow bigger and better, we want to keep developing the English side of the festival, so it can truly represent the comic art diversity of Quebec. We are working hard so everybody feels welcome.

You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This year, we are planning on increasing our participation on social media, so be ready to hear us loud and clear! Contest, news, programs, and all the information you need to know is available on our website, so come and join us!
