CONTEST Montreal 375th


CONTEST Montreal 375th

For the 375th anniversary of Montreal, the MCAF, Studio Lounak and the Campus Pivaut hold their first contest! The comic drawing contest for young talents is open to all artists (not published) over 15 years old.

Whether you want to do this for a living or just like to draw, you are welcome to participate and try to win one of these three amazing prizes!

1st prize: a year of evening class at Campus Pivaut for a value of 2000$
2nd prize: three sessions of evening class at Campus Pivaut for a value of 1500$
3rd prize: one session of evening class at Campus Pivaut for a value of 500$

All the comic strip and drawing of the contestants will be display in an exhibition at the Montreal Comic Arts Festival (26 to 28 May).

The winners will be selected by a jury of professionals and this year theme is “375 years of Montreal”.

Take your pencils and find your inspiration to celebrate Montreal through its history and/or its characteristics.

Show us Montreal and above all… have fun!  

For more info follow that link
