2021 Christmas Baskets
If there’s one thing we all deserve this year, it’s a little treat! Maybe even more than one!
MCAF’s partners and friends have generously answered our call and thanks to them, we are once again offering you our long-awaited CHRISTMAS Baskets!!
** Most of the item are in French
Youth Basket
- 5 books from Presses Aventure
- 2 books from Front Froid
- 20$ at Planète BD Bookstore
Adult Basket 1
- 2 books from MCAF Press
- 6 books from Pow Pow Press
- 2 tickets for Lysis at the TNM
- 40$ at Planète BD Bookstore
- 2 comics from Moelle Graphique
- 2 books from Mécanique Générale
Adult Basket 2
- 2 comics from Nouvelle adresse
- 2 tickets for the Cinéma Public
- 3 retrospectives from Z Bookstore
- 40$ at Planète BD Bookstore
- 2 books from Moelle Graphique
- Numéros 8 to 17 from Revue PLANCHES
Enter the Draw for Our 2021 Christmas Baskets
The draw is closed, the winners have been contacted by email.
Happy Holidays to everyone!