MCAF 2020 To Be 100% Online!
(Montreal, April 2) While the world faces the unprecedented crisis situation of COVID-19, the Montreal Comic Arts Festival, like many other cultural events in Quebec and around the world, has had to adjust to this exceptional situation. Our optimistic team, supported by the board of directors, decided to explore alternative means of operation and has led to the continuation of the festival… completely online!
A first for MCAF
For the first time in nine years, MCAF will be broadcast live from the 22nd to the 24th of May 2020 on our website. The numerous activities, such as round tables, creation workshops, and live drawings, will all be adapted for the Internet. Although this represents a new challenge for the team, the prospect of broadcasting the whole festival to an even greater number of people from all over the world has us thrilled and excited.
We are aware of the financial difficulties that cancellation may cause for exhibitors, whose presence at festivals is essential to their survival. Understand that this was not an easy decision for us to make. By putting the festival online, we hope to offer them increased visibility and new modes of participation. For us, we are taking this as an opportunity to develop new tools for the promotion of the comics arts, their authors and publishers.
Thanks to all our partners
This decision could not have been made without the support of our financial partners. We consider ourselves lucky and grateful to be able to maintain the place of comics in Montreal’s cultural universe in this unprecendented time. Thank you to Conseil des arts du Canada, Patrimoine Canada, Conseil des arts de Montréal, SODEC, Bureau des festivals et événements culturels de Montréal, l’Arrondissement Le-Plateau-Mont-Royal, Caisse de la culture Desjardins, Consulat général de France à Québec, l’Institut Goethe, le Centre de la francophonie des Amériques and ArtVest.
Last, we’d like to thank our team, which is largely made up of volunteers, as they enthusiastically embark on this huge project with just eight weeks to go.
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Further Information:
Quentin Hocquinghem
Communications Coordinator
(514) 649 7352