Finalists for the 21st Bédélys Awards unveiled!
(May 1st, 2020) The Montreal Comic Arts Festival is pleased to announce the finalists for the Bédélys Awards. Presented for a 21st consecutive edition, and organized for the second time by MCAF, these awards recognize the best comics of 2019. The rigorous selection is made by a jury of readers who are professionals from the literary world.
This unveiling, which was supposed to happen at the Maison des Écrivains with our partner UNEQ, will take place on MCAF’s Facebook page through a video presenting all the books and comic artists on the final list.
Recognizing the quality of Quebec comics since its creation, the Bédélys Awards will once again highlight comics with well-crafted scenarios and beautiful drawings. The winners will be announced on the first day of the festival, May 22 at 7 pm, making these awards a remarkable and unique event. And now the complete list of 2019 finalists.
Bédélys étranger
Best comic book published in French outside of Québec.
- Dans un rayon de soleil, Tillie Walden
- Le dieu vagabond, Fabrizio Dori
- Enferme-moi si tu peux, Pandolfo & Risbjerg
- Les entrailles de New York, Julia Wertz
- In waves, AJ Dungo
- Nagasaki, Agnès Hostache
- Penss et les plis du monde, Jérémie Moreau
- Préférence système, Ugo Bienvenu
- Sabrina, Nick Drnaso
- Saison des roses, Chloé Wary
Bédélys jeunesse
Best french-language comic book published in Quebec for 7 to 12 years of age
- Hercule, agent intergalactique, Dalena et Zabus
- Un été d’enfer, Vera Brosgol
- Légendes Zurbaines, Nick Bruno, Paul Downs, Michael Yates
- Animal Jack, Kid Toussaint et Miss Prickly
- 109, rue des Soupirs, Yomgui et Mr Tan
The Bédélys jeunesse Awards is selected by a jury of young readers. Thanks to the Montreal Libraries for organizing and supervising these jurys.
Bédélys indépendant
Best self-published french-language comics created in Quebec
- Apo, Catherin
- Respire, Rabot
- L’interprétation des bois, Rod Legrand
- Boumeries (volume 9), Boum
- L’armée du Soleil (tome 1), Anouk
Bédélys independent
Best self-published english-language comics created in Quebec
- Stone Fruit, Lee Lai
- ARC Twenty-Nine, Marc Michaud
- Paint the Town Red, Kiakas et Mukanik
- Everything is Super, Captain Rottsteak
Note that this is the first time that the Bédélys Awards will award an independent English-language comic, a logical step to highlight the talent of English-speaking cartoonists in the province.
Bédélys Québec
Best french-language comic book created and published in Quebec
- Les petits garçons, Sophie Bédard
- Le Mouchequetaire, Antonin Buisson
- Projet Shiatsung, Brigitte Archambault
- Comment les paradis fiscaux ont ruiné mon petit-déjeuner, François Samson-Dunlop
- Wendy, Walter Scott
For more information on each work, we invite you to visit the MCAF Dropbox. You will find a detailed summary of the work and an overview of the career of the creators.
About the 9th edition
MCAF will be held entirely online this year for 3 days, from May 22 to 24, 2020 on our website. Workshops, Q&A, panels and live drawing are just a few of the many activities planned! The festival is also proud to announce that we are officially launching the Presses du FBDM | MCAF Press, who’s first book will be published for the festival. 24 cartoonists contribute to the creation of “Lettres à Montréal”, a project that you can support here!
The Montreal Comic Arts Festival thanks its partners
MCAF would like to highlight the collaboration of its partners who contribute to the success of this 9th edition.
Thanks to : Patrimoine Canada; Conseil des Arts du Canada; Conseil des arts de Montréal; SODEC, Division Festivals et événements culturels de Montréal; l’Arrondissement Le-Plateau-Mont-Royal; Caisse de la culture Desjardins; Consulat général of France in Québec; l’Institut Goethe and the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques.
Our media partners : Culture Cible; La Fabrique culturelle, LesLibraires.ca; CISM 89.3, la revue PLANCHES; as well as our booktubers : Elise, from “A Book and a Cup”; Ariane, from “Miz Littérature” and Chantal, from “La Bibliothèque Jaune”.
The participation and commitment of the team, which is largely made up of volunteers, cannot be ignored, as they enthusiastically embarked on a huge project just eight weeks before the end.
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Further Information:
Quentin Hocquinghem
Communications Coordinator
(514) 649 7352