

About Saena Delacroix-Sadighiyan

Saena Delacroix-Sadighiyan
Photo credits: Lucile Cubin

Scénariste - Calligraphe


Author’s Graphic Novel, Essay, Historic, Sociopolitical

Teen, Adult

Saena Delacroix-Sadighiyan is a sociologist and an artist. She could have been born in Tehran but you know #womanlifefreedom she was actually born in Paris where she grew up. She could have done all her studies in France, but she flew to Mexico, London, Tokyo and New York instead. Back in France as a lecturer, she explores the notion of identity and attachment in her academic work as well as in her calligraphic and fictional works. (une nuit) is her first graphic novel.


(une nuit), chez First (2022)
avec Kenza Aloui, Inès Weill-Rochant et Odélia Kammoun

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