Ten Years, Ten Months, Tell Me More


Ten Years, Ten Months, Tell Me More

The 10th Anniversary Events Continue

As we continue to move forward with our 10th anniversary year, we’re delighted as always by the continuing participation of our creators, thank you so much!

For February, our 10-month program continues with the start of the comic book quizzes.
See you on February 25 for the first one on the theme of duets.
Follow us on Facebook!

X, the Second Book from MCAF Press

In 2020, the Festival jumped feet first into the world of publishing with the creation of Presses du FBDM | MCAF Press, with the launch of Lettres à Montréal, the first book in our “Marvelous Creations and Fables” collection.

We’ve got to say we’re quite proud of this little book, th publication and launch of which took place in the midst of an ongoing pandemic which also saw the Festival scrambling to successfully create a 100% virtual event. And while Covid-19 is still here, we’re still going strong, with a brand new book for 2021, titled simply X.

Why “X”? To celebrate the Festival’s 10th anniversary, of course! And this is going to be one heck of a celebration, showcasing over 20 creators from Québec and around the world, including creators from the States, Europe, and Japan! If you enjoyed the diverse and vibrant collection of creations in Lettres à Montréal you are sure sure to love X!

We are in the process of preparing the crowdfunding campaign for X, so be sure to follow us on social media for all the details as we get closer to the launch. The full list of creators and more details will soon be revealed!

We can’t wait to get this book in your hands… A great way to celebrate the dawning of a new and hopefully brighter year!

New Members on MCAF’s Board of Directors

This year, the Board of Directors of MCAF has seen some big changes, including the addition for four new members. Here are the newest members of our team!

But first a quick word about Jan-Nicolas Vanderveken, who left the Board at the start of the year. Amongst other projects, it was Jan’s advice which led us to revisit our branding, leading to our new logo and look. His recommendations in terms of management and strategic planning have always been relevant and delivered with the greatest courtesy. Thank you Jan-Nicolas, we are looking forward to seeing you in other projects.

Thanks to the Montreal Arts Council’s  Go-C.A. Program, MCAF was able to quickly fill the vacancies on our Board of Directors. Our new members bring expertise and know-how that will allow the board to continue to develop the festival and the Bédélys Awards. MCAF’s Board of Directors is once again fully-staffed and is eager to leap into the adventure of celebrating the Festival’s 10th anniversary and planning for our future!

We are very proud to welcome:

Chantal Vinette

A communications and marketing manager, Chantal Vinette has accumulated skills in developing communication and marketing strategies, public relations, organizing events, and developing partnerships and sponsorships. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communication and a Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies (DESS) in management of cultural organizations.

Bhavish Beejan

Bhavish Beejan is an intern in the corporate law group in the Montreal offices of the law firm Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt. His practice focuses on corporate and securities law. He will be sworn in and will become a member of the firm on February 17, 2021.

MCAF Book Club // Animals

On March 3, the MCAF Book Club will be paying homage to those special creatures who share our homes and sometimes seem to rule our lives: Our PETS (and some other, wilder creatures too).

We’ll be taking a look at the following animal-centric books:

  • L’ostie d’chat,  Zviane et Iris (Delcourt)
  • Le mouchequetaire, Antonin Buisson (Pow Pow)
  • Biodôme, t.1, Frédéric Antoine et Yohann Morin (Boomerang)

No need to worry about your allergies, this meeting will be taking place online on March 3 at 7pm.

Haven’t read the books yet? Haven’t been part of a book club before! Well don’t worry, we don’t bite!
The MCAF Book Club exists to help our community share their love of comic books and make new discoveries, so don’t be shy.

The discussion is conducted in French but anglophones are welcome, after all, reading comics and listening in on conversations is a great way to improve your language skills!
As always, entry is free!
