Yo, youngsters!


Yo, youngsters!

You’re aged 7 or 107, it doesn’t matter… we know you’re young at heart if you visit this page and our Festival. We’re hoping that this year, many people will discover through us the joy of comic books. And let’s be honest… those that don’t need much convincing are the young people. So, we created a bunch of activities – all free! – just for them! Well, the parents can be there too, of course.

This is what awaits you

– Introduction to manga drawing techniques and the development of characters.

– “Drawing with” activities, a unique opportunity to learn techniques from the best from here – like Pascal Girard (Jimmy et le Bigfoot) – and elsewhere, like Elyon’s (Cameroun) and Julien Lambert (Belgium).

– The fabulous history of Comic Books, presented by Stéphan Arche.

– Two round tables: the impact of notoriety on young audiences (with Alex A., Sobral, Dubuc and Delaf) and Like Cats and Dogs, the story of a bilingual comic book created by students from the provinces of Québec and Manitoba.

– A quiz and exchange with Patrick Sobral, creator of the much loved Légendaires.

– Character combat: imagine characters, created in front of you, fighting on paper for a few rounds, with an offense and defense system and an official! That’s what the creative team of Frond Froid will do!

– Book signings, book signings and more book signings all weekend long, and a ton of exhibitors who will present you great books to read!

So come on, grab your things and come meet us at Parc Lafontaine from May 27 to 29. We’re waiting for you!

