Dedans novembre (Inside November)
Yup, the title of this month’s newsletter is a nod to the classic album Dehors Novembre by the quintessential Montreal rock band Les Colocs, which we’ve had playing on repeat lately. With Montreal still in confinement, “Dedans” (inside) seems more appropriate, wouldn’t you say?
So here we all are, snuggled up inside with our favorite albums (both musical and comic book variety, to be sure!) and maybe even our most beloved stuffed animal to keep us company. But we aren’t just staying in this chilly month, no way! Because we’ve got some great activities for you all month long, so let’s get going!
Exhibition Les lendemains – Until November 22nd
Covid-19 has affected the lives of people all around the globe. The pandemic has forced people to change the way they work, shop, and socialize. These hopefully temporary changes are sure to have a pronounced long-term effect on our daily lives, our habits, and our relationship with the places we live.
The exhibition “Les Lendemains” is an invitation to imagine what will come next, and brings together original work from 20 creators from Québec and France.
With Brigitte Archambault, Marie Avril, Camille Benyamina, Charles Berberian, Cyril Doisneau, Meags Fitzgerald, Jacques Goldstyn, Marie-Noëlle Hébert, Michel Hellman, Killoffer, Cédric Loth, Lisa Mandel, Laureline Mattiussi, Emmanuel Moynot, Nunumi, Julie Rocheleau, Sandrine Revel, Mathieu Sapin, Leif Tande and Lewis Trondheim.
Presented by Québec BD as part of the Salon du Livre de Montréal, with the support of Consulat général de France à Québec, the Institut français, and the Montraal Comic Arts Festival. Find the exposition in locations across the city of Montréal, listed here.
Bédélys Independent Award

The Bédélys Independent Award is a pair of prizes for the best self-published comics created in Quebec, with separate awards for comics published in French and in English. Each award is accompanied by a grant of $1000 and they will share an exhibitor table at next MCAF, furnished by the Montreal Comic Arts Festival.
Submit two physical copies of your comic and include a return address. It must have been self-published in Québec in 2020. Your application can be sent to MCAF at 6590, boul. Pie-IX, Montréal, H1X 2C6, or dropped of at Planète BD in Montréal
or the Librairie Pantoute in Québec City. The submission deadline is December 15, 2020.
Changes in the Board of MCAF
There have been a lot of changes on MCAF’s Board of Directors as we prepare for out 10th anniversary in 2021. Three founding members have retired this year: Founding president François Mayeux, Treasurer Pierre-Alain Rodrigue, and Coordinator Myriam Lalumière (who is taking a temporary leave of absence to spend some quality time with new arrival Flore!).
We are pleased to announce the following new arrivals to the Board:
Michel Viau, historian and cartoonist, and Patrice St-Amour, entrepreneur and innovator. We were able to fill these spots with the aid of the Conseil des arts de Montréal’s G0 – C.A. program.
November’s MCAF Activities
We aren’t taking it easy this month, and here’s the proof: A bevvy of comics-related activities to check out all month long!
Dungeon, Dragons, & Drawings – Season 1, Episode 4
The wait is over! The adventures of our heroes continues in this, the penultimate episode of Season 1 of Dungeon, Dragons, & Drawings!

Catch up with Auguste, Madelaine, Maurice and YES, even Drakul, on Saturday, November 21th at 7pm, live on our Facebook page!
And of course you can watch all the previous episodes of DD&D on our Youtube channel! Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe!
MCAF Book Club: Space!
Space! The infinite expanse of the universe! The many months of confinement that so many of us have faced have us all longing for a bit of an adventure… So this month we are taking to the stars for our Book Club! Each of these fantastic books has a unique and inspired answer to the question “What’s going on… OUT THERE?”
Our next meeting will be getting together via Zoom on December 2nd at 7pm.
This month’s reading list includes
Phobie des moments seuls
by Samuel Cantin (Pow Pow),
Le facteur de l’espace
by Guillaume Perreault (La Pastèque) and
by Jean-François Laliberté and Sacha Lefebvre (Michel Quintin).
No need to have read all three (or any) of the books, we’re here to share and discover! This event is 100% free! Presented in French here.
Programming to Watch (or Re-Watch) Whenever you Want!
The various arts are frequently linked, and many artists are practitioners of more than one medium. Music, in particular, can often cross boundaries, and its influence can be felt in many comics. Can music be felt in the rhythms, ambiance, and pacing of these creators?
All this and more is explored in this conversation with Richard Suicide, Zviane, Axelle Lenoir and Jimmy Beaulieu, moderated by Jean-Michel Berthiaume.
Musique et création – French- 49 min
Also join Salgood Sam for an analysis and comparison from a practitioner’s perspective of two similar scenes.
Flow, Movement & Wordless Conversations in Comics – English – 54 min
Find all the panels and activities from MCAF 2020 on our website or Youtube channel.