

About Catherine De Gongre

Catherine De Gongre
Photo credits: François Maisonneuve

Auteure, illustratrice


Author’s Graphic Novel


Catherine has always been a fan of artistic projects and cannot imagine her life without listening to without listening to music while cooking, drawing, and tinkering with all sorts of things with her with her hands. By day she makes spice blends that she has been marketing since 2012 under the name "La pincée". At night she surrounds herself with paper and pencils to draw, write or create personal projects. It is after participating in several comic book workshops that she discovers the world of possibilities offered by author comics and fanzines. Combining the love of words and art: it's a real love at first sight in tune with an ideal of freedom!


Métamorphose, auto-édition (2022)
Finaliste aux 24e prix Bédélys dans la catégorie indépendant francophone

Crépuscule, auto-édition

Guest at MCAF

2022, 2023