

About Siris

Photo credits: Rico Michel

Auteur de Bd


Author’s Graphic Novel


Siris has been active in the world of comics since 1986, having started out in the world of comic and rock fanzines. Between 1991 and 2008, he participated in several comic book collectives in Quebec and Europe. He travels a lot in Quebec and Europe from 1991 to 1997 to promote Quebec comics. In 1995, he published Baloney Comix 1, which was followed in 1997 by Baloney Comix 2, still with la Poule, his main character and alter ego. These two albums earned him a grant. In the fall of 2004, he received a grant to produce his graphic novel Vogue la valise, published by La Pastèque. This album tells the story of la Poule, her brother and her sisters, who live in a foster home in the 1960s. In 2011, he received a grant to produce La Poule chez les Troublants, the sequel to Vogue la valise, which illustrates the last foster family where the Poule resided in the 1970s. In 2017, the complete Vogue la valise was published by La Pastèque, winning four awards. In 2013, Siris exhibited at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts along with fourteen other cartoonists, to mark the 15th anniversary of La Pastèque. As part of this exhibition, Siris produced a seven-page comic strip inspired by a work by Pierre Ayot, the multidisciplinary artist who is part of the Museum's collection, namely Madame Blancheville rides again, This comic strip is now part of the collection of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, where it is kept. In 2022, the album Un Paris pour Dallaire, written by Marc Tessier and illustrated by Siris, was published. It tells the story of the tumultuous life of the Hull painter Jean-Philippe Dallaire, from 1916 to 1965. In parallel to his activity as a comic book author, Siris pursues his career as an illustrator, while working as an artist, animator and responsible for comic book and illustration workshops for Les Impatients, an organization whose mission is to help people with mental health problems through artistic expression.


Un Paris Pour Dallaire, chez la Pastèque (2022)
avec Marc Tessier

L'Histoire de 5 Grands groupes Métal du Québec (collectif), chez Édition Sawin (2022)

Vogue la Valise, l'intégrale chez la Pastèque (2017)

MCAF 2024

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Guest at MCAF

2012, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023