

About François Simard

François Simard



Author’s Graphic Novel, Historic

Teen, Adult

Active in the field of graphic and web design for more than twenty years, François immerses himself every night in his universe behind his drawing table, once his children are in bed. Although he had the opportunity to do some professional illustration contracts here and there, he always dreamed of doing comics. This dream came true in 2022 thanks to Sawin Editions who published L'histoire de 5 grands groupes métal du Québec. The following year, François signed Fabriqué Rana Plaza, a comic book about the tragedy of the Rana Plaza collapse, published for the International Development Week (IDW) by the Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI).


Fabriqué au Rana Plaza, par l'Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI) (2023)

L'histoire de 5 grands groupes métal au Québec, chez Éditions Sawin (2022)
avec Félix B.Desfossés, Christian Quesnel et Steph Dumais

Guest at MCAF

2021, 2023